During a crisis, we all react differently. Today, I’d like to appeal to the part of you that is ready for change.
See, in March I started a public speaking program. I always felt that public speaking is key. No matter the type of job you have, you always end up addressing an audience, big or small. Knowing how to best keep them engaged and captivated can make a big difference. During our first session, we obviously had to go in front of everyone and introduce ourselves. Here is how I did it:
This accident was a wakeup call for me.
Now, I’d like for you to think about what I just shared above. It’s human nature, when something traumatic happens, to realise life is fragile and precious.
The pandemic could be your wakeup call.
Is there something you always wanted to do you should be doing, a passion set aside?
Is there something else out there I should be dedicated my time and attention to?
Is there meaning and purpose to my work?
Can I make a difference in the world?
What’s lacking in the world today?
If you’re asking yourself these type of questions, it’s perfectly normal. Don’t be overwhelmed.
I do not have the answer on how to deal with all the emotions, doubts and concerns. Yet it is important to acknowledge that we are all going through unprecedented times and it means changes. Changes around us and changes inside us.
If you can, embrace the changes and grow with and thanks to them.