Hi, I'm Amelie!
I was (and still am) a very active child :)
I’m a sports enthusiast, horse riding addict, and kindle fan. Born French, my years living abroad have and continue to shape me into a melting pot of a person and give me tonnes of perspective on life.
Nonetheless, I do carry my original region, Brittany, close to my heart. Plus, the Britons are known to be stubborn, great travellers, and good drinkers - I am certainly no exception.
My husband is very supportive of all my activities and we’ve lived in Singapore since 2014. At home, we speak Spanish - although it turns out to be more of a Spanglish dialect we made for ourselves – eat Latino-Asian and drink French.
On a professional note, I’m an international B2B marketer for a marketing agency where I have the chance to keep on learning and growing every day while supporting the development of global brands.

From the organizers themselves:
"The Mongol Derby is the longest and toughest horse race in the world. We don’t say that lightly. A decade after launching the race that title is still being backed up by riders year after year.
In 1224, man of the millennium Chinggis Khaan set up the world’s first long-distance postal transmission system. Using a massive network of horse stations - ‘morin urtuus’ in Mongolian - his hardy messengers could gallop from Kharkhorin to the Caspian sea in a number of days.
For ten days each August, the Mongol Derby recreates this legendary system, building a network of urtuus at 35km intervals along the entire thousand kilometre course."
In brief, it's a 1000Km horse race to be completed in 10 or less days. For more information, visit the organizers' website.
Singapore #Fitspo of the Week: Amelie Marivain
Q: What was your background in sports?
A: My parents are very active and they encouraged me to do sports growing up. This taught me so much when it comes to competing with and for a team, fair play and enjoying the sweat. I believe many kids can benefit from it.
Le défi d’une vie : une course pour aller au bout de ses rêves.
En Aout 2018, alors qu’Amelie s’apprête à découvrir le Mont Bromo, tout s’arrête. Le van dans lequel elle voyage va trop vite, le chauffeur perd le contrôle et tout commence à tourner. Un premier tonneau, puis un deuxième… et surement plus. Comment se remettre d’un tel choc émotionnel ?