Many have asked what the plan is for this year - if the race will be postponed.
While the world adjusts to the new normal, and we all learn to live under new conditions, I have some news:
It is now official, the Mongol Derby 2020 will take place in 2021.
This means that all the lucky selected racers for 2020 will be riding the steppes in July 2021, right before the 2021 cohort.
The best part of this new plan is that all the 2020 racers will gather in Ulaanbaatar on the same day as my birthday, so it seems next year will be an extra special one.
For me, applying to the Derby was the first step towards an incredible journey, and I'm grateful of everything that has happened so far. Whether the race occurs this year or next is ultimately a detail of logistics. Granted, not a small one for sure, but I am focusing on the spirit of the race, the adventure of it all, and the essence of stepping out of my comfort zone.
Mongol Derby 2020ish, here we go!